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Getting To The Next Level,

Will Require A Higher Level of YOU!

Taking principles from two decades of research in positive psychology, neuroscience, behavioural sciences, leadership and philosophy, Unleash Your Potential Creates a Pathway for ‘High-Performance Living’.

Be the best that you can be, create predictable results and live a life of joy, fulfilment and purpose.

What got you here will not get you where you want to be. Why? If you had all you needed in your toolkit, you’d be there already.
Part of that toolkit is understanding how to align your conscious and subconscious.

Why does this matter?

Most people don’t know that they’re subconsciously working against themselves!

95% Of What You do Each Day Is Influenced By Unconscious Programming.
Most of your thoughts, beliefs, habits and behaviors that literally run your life have been running YOU since you were a child.

We are born into this world as perfect beings, without any beliefs or perceptions about how things ‘should’ be. However, we are soon impacted by those around us. 

As we grow, we listen to our parents and extended family. We learn a new narrative about what is and isn’t possible. We learn what is right and wrong, what is acceptable or not. Our dreams and aspirations are also shaped by our teachers, friends and community. We quickly learn that if we step outside their comfort zone, we may be outcast. 

In order to fit in with our ‘tribe’, we move away from our authentic selves. The communal narrative soon becomes our unconscious one, aligning our choices to those of the ‘herd’. Decisions are unconsciously made before we even realise it; we find ourselves sabotaging our desires before we even make progress.

When you shift away from your authentic self, it’s easy to end up along a path that is misaligned with where you want to be…

Does this sound like you?

You’re exhausted as you’re working so hard, but don't feel as though you’re getting anywhere?

Looking to be all that you can be in life?

You own a business or in a career that requires a higher level of self-awareness, insight and leadership ability?

Are you looking for predictable results in your life or business?

You feel an emptiness inside that can’t be filled no matter what you accomplish? 

You’re at a crossroad and you’re seeking clarity and direction?

Are you questioning whether this as good as it gets?!!! 

It’s best practice to run a scan on our devices to ensure that there are no viruses, and that we have the latest software updates.

When was the last time you ran a scan on yourself to see whether your thoughts, beliefs, habits, and behaviors are helping or hindering you from getting where you want to be in life?

The Issue Is That So Many Of Us Look Outside Of Ourselves For The Answers, Signing Up For Programs That Focus On Goal Setting And Accountability Groups That We Hope Will

'Get us over the line'.

This MAY Result In Temporary Improvements...

The Thing Is, We Don't Create Alignment With Our Authentic Selves, Or Our Subconscious By DOING Things Externally.

To create lasting personal and life transformation, we build it from within. 

Our External Environment Is A Direct Reflection Of Our Internal One.

The Truth Is, Most Of What We Are Taught About Success Is Wrong! 

We are so often preoccupied with societal markers of success - job title and salary. If we allow ourselves to follow the crowd, we can become chained to ways of BEING and DOING that don't align with our values and dreams. We get side-tracked with wanting to fit-in, to be accepted, to feel significant.

No matter how much material wealth we may gain, or goals we accomplish, we still feel an emptiness inside.

Through Self-Mastery, we reconnect with our true values and begin to live our lives with authenticity. We recognize that there is another way to live an Extraordinary Life; a life filled with growth, vision, deep connections, and contribution to others.

Self-mastery is the practice of aligning our values, thoughts, beliefs, habits, behaviours and interpretations towards living ‘on purpose’, as our best self.

Ultimately, it’s about leadership. You cannot be the best version of you, lead others, or live your best life unless you lead yourself first.

How do I know this?... 

I used to be that person, proud of moving beyond my humble beginnings growing up on a farm, to 'doing good’ in the corporate world. I'd often work 16-hour days, travelling across time zones, sometimes up to four different states within a week. Pushing myself past exhaustion - because that's what people did in my industry. While I was helping others, I lost sight of doing what was best for me.

 I knew that the lifestyle I had fallen into was neither sustainable nor brought me true joy. I justified my situation by saying that I was paid well, and I enjoyed many aspects of my work. Truth is, I was attached to being 'significant'. I had worked so hard to get to where I was, that moving away to do something different was equivalent to walking away from all of those years of hard work and sacrifice. I surmised that it would be like starting back at square one again...
Ultimately I was putting myself last, and my ego first. Thankfully, I could see that my trajectory needed to change...

I stepped back from my role and made time for further study. I then amalgamated two decades of research – taking principles from positive psychology, neuroscience, behavioural sciences, leadership and philosophy - and my own experiences overcoming chronic pain and participating in endurance sports, and created Your Self-Mastery Blueprint, a focus on ‘high-performance living’ and being the best that you can be - the foundation for all Think Collective Programs. 

My mission became:  

To inspire the world to think differently, to live fearlessly, to experience what it is to "be your extraordinary!"

As featured in:


Unleash Your Potential 

The Blueprint To Being Extraordinary

Often, people desire something – a new way of being, or pursuing a goal, however they don’t create the strategy and tactics to get there.

Our programs have compressed decades of learning into a 13-week program that took a year to create. It is designed to be practical. You will be equipped with the tools and knowledge for implementation so you can experience results from the very first module. 

Module 1:

Discover the Pathway to Self-Mastery

The foundation for Unleashing Your Potential and being Extraordinary is self-mastery. It’s an ‘awareness’ of your current situation and way of being. Both the good and not so good. When we’re ‘in the trenches’ we’re often blinded by our blind spots. This is the foundation that we build upon over the course of the program. 

  Inside Module 1, you’ll discover: 

  • One BONUS tool that will keep you on track for the next 90 days and beyond.  
  • The pathway to self-mastery. 
  • key actions to Ensuring Success Over the Next 12 Weeks 
  • The real cost of your current way of being. 

Module 2:

What Drives Our Behavior?

Before driving a car, we usually read a manual to understand how it operates, and how to optimize performance. E.g., Putting in the right fuel. In schools, we’re not taught how to optimize our brain. Instead, most of us do our best with the skills that we have, wondering why we’re not getting the results that we desire.  

If you don’t understand how your brain and body drives behavior, you can be left frustrated as you continue to repeat old habits and behaviors that drive you away from your higher purpose.  

Inside Module 2, you’ll discover: 

  • The secret to understanding the dominant areas of the brain that drive us. 
  • The two critical questions that are the basis for every decision you make.  
  • The connection between our brain and why we do what we do.  
  • How tapping into whole body intelligence can positively impact your outcomes. 

Module 3:

What’s Keeping You Stuck?

In today’s fast paced world, if one of our tech devices ‘goes down’ with a virus, our productivity gets put on pause. To avoid this, a regular maintenance schedule is always recommended.  

We may be used to running updates on our tech devices, however how often do we ‘check-in’ with ourselves, to see if there are any mind viruses at work that are interfering with the quality of our productivity, relationships and overall life experience? 

In this module we take a deep dive into what makes you, YOU; and how understanding ‘self’ is the foundation to Unleashing Your Potential and ultimately, Self-Mastery.   

Inside Module 3, you’ll discover: 

  • You are not who you think you are. 
  • How your subconscious programmes are keeping you stuck. 
  • The power of leveraging self-awareness to get what you want. 

Module 4:

Releasing What Does Not Serve Us

The biggest reason most people don’t realize their dreams is because they are carrying their past (fears, experiences, beliefs etc.) into their future. Approximately 95% of this is at the subconscious level - you don’t even know that you are working against yourself! 

In this module, you will be given the tools to release attachments to the past so you can create a clearing to Unleash Your Potential and build Your Extraordinary Life.  

Inside Module 4, you’ll discover: 

  • Two powerful exercises that you can use to free yourself from the past 
  • That you are attached to more than what you realize… 
  • The underlying cause of all of our pain, fear, and frustration. 

Module 5:

Create Your Life by Design

To live an Extraordinary Life begins with being the best that you can be. However, no matter what your situation, it’s your brains job to keep you exactly where you are – even when it is painful.  

Your brain is so good at justifying your current position, that without conscious effort and support, you will stay exactly where you are in life and never achieve your dreams. 

In this module, you will receive the tools to create Your Extraordinary Life and begin the process to reprogram your brain for success. 

Inside Module 5, you’ll discover: 

  • The key reason why chasing the next achievement won’t make you feel fulfilled.  
  • How creating a Life by Design is easier than you think. 
  • Why you move away from your goals, even when you have experienced success in the past.  
  • The key elements to reprogramming our brain for success. 

Module 6:

The True Pathways to Happiness

In our world of social media, one could be easily mistaken for thinking that everyone else online appears happy and successful. But does beauty, money, and status actually bring us the happiness that we are seeking? If not, what does? 

Inside Module 6, you’ll discover: 

  • The true pathways to happiness are not what you think! 
  • Uncover the key ingredients to leading a Happy and Successful life.  
  • The power of intention 

Module 7:

Mastering Mindset

As we go through life, we are accompanied by our internal dialogue. Much of what it tells us we may not think we pay any attention to.. As soon as we get out of bed it begins… ”I’m so tired”. You go to the bathroom mirror to brush your teeth, “Ugh, I look terrible!” At work you consider sharing an idea in a meeting, “What if they think it’s a stupid idea?” and on and on it goes…. 

We often respond automatically to these messages without any conscious thought - our brain keeping us in our comfort zone and away from our true desires. How do we release ourselves from this monkey on our back?  

Inside Module 7, you’ll discover: 

  • The impact of our thoughts, words and language on ourselves and others. 
  • The formula for changing your thought processes. 
  • How your point of view and beliefs influence your results in life. 
  • The one thing that is the cause of 99% of our problems. 

Module 8:


You are not where you want to be in life due to your ‘interpretations’ - how you make meaning of things, people and situations. Any time you feel badly, your thoughts have preceded your feelings. Your thoughts have been influenced by your judgements and interpretations.  

Inside Module 8, you’ll discover: 

  • Key ways to creating more empowering interpretations.
  • Bringing to our consciousness our ways of being – in the moment, so we can course correct. 
  • Understanding the impact of judgement  

Module 9:

Regulating Emotions

How we ‘feel’ rules our outcomes throughout each day. We often miss out on experiences in life as we don’t ‘feel’ up to something. This can often be a barrier when it comes to Unleashing Our Potential and being the best that we can be. 

Inside Module 9, you’ll discover: 

  • Maintain momentum towards your goals, no matter how you feel 
  • How to re-set your body after an emotional experience. 
  • 6 keys to staying balanced in daily life. 
  • The benefits of ‘tuning-in’ to your emotions regularly. 

Module 10:

Align Your Subconscious For Success

One reason why we don’t achieve goals is because they are set in the conscious part of the brain and are actioned in the subconscious. If the two are not in alignment, our new goal will quickly fall to the wayside, and we fall back into existing habits. 

  Inside Module 10, you’ll discover: 

  • How to align the conscious and subconscious parts of our brain. 
  • What triggers our behaviours and how to alter our response? 
  • The secret to changing habits for good. 

Module 11:

Ownership & Commitment

Every decision that you have made in life has brought you to where you are today. While it can be a challenge at times, taking responsibility for this is the first step in being able to move forward. 

Inside Module 11, you’ll discover:  

  • Are you being responsible for things that you don’t need to be?
  • How to make the best decisions when you have multiple choices. 
  • The key to motivation and maintaining momentum. 

Module 12:

Relationship with 'Self'

Being Extraordinary begins with our relationship to ‘self’, to others and the world around us. Relationships and connectedness starts with trust and the strength of character to allow ourselves to be vulnerable. When we can move past our fear of vulnerability, great things happen! 

Inside Module 12, you’ll discover: 

  • A tool that can create deeper relationships with your family, friends and work colleagues.
  • That in every conversation we are creating or destroying trust. 
  • How to build ‘character’. 
  • A BONUS script to help create boundaries with friends, family and co-workers.

"Never Let Your Fear Decide Your Future."

- Buddha

Now you might be saying,

this all sounds great, but.....

Now is not the right time....
Has there ever been a time in your life where you didn’t feel like the timing was right, but you made it happen anyway? When something is important enough, we can always find a way. 
I just need to work a bit harder or a bit longer to get where I want to be.....
I get it, I used to think the same thing. However, working hard is not going to get you anywhere if you are carrying subconscious thoughts, beliefs, habits and behaviours that are working against all your hard work.   That’s the equivalent story of Sisyphus who was punished by the god Zeus, who forced him to roll a boulder up a hill for eternity. 
It’s too late for me. I’m too old, my opportunity has passed me by....
  • Oprah Winfrey was 32 when she became the first African American nationally syndicated television host. 
  • Steve Carell landed his first hit role in The Office at age 42. 
  • Arianna Huffington founded her namesake news publication, The Huffington Post, at age 55.  Harland Sanders, better known as Colonel Sanders, was 62 when he franchised Kentucky Fried Chicken in 1952. 
  • Anna Mary Robertson Moses, better known as Grandma Moses, began her prolific painting career at 78. In 2006, one of her paintings sold for $US1.2 million. 
  • Need I go on….?  
My life could be better, but it’s still pretty good....
The enemy of a great life is a good life. (Jim Collins).   We are born without limitations, we learn them from a society that encourages mediocrity. Are you truly being the best that you can be each day? I would suggest that if you’re reading this, then you are in fact seeking something more.  ‘More’ doesn’t need to be materialistic. It could be experiencing greater connection with those you love, giving back, or contributing your talents to the world.   The last thing we want is to live a life of regret - you didn’t when you could’ve. Start with a commitment that you aren’t going to settle.   
I don’t have the time to spare to complete a program, I’m already at my limit.....
If you don’t have the time to commit to being the best that you can be, then that in itself is a reason why you need this program.   We all make time for what is important to us – like eating and showering. If getting to where you want to be and living an Extraordinary Life is important to you, then we can help you make that happen! You also get to keep this program for life. Everything is recorded, so if you miss a coaching call you can review at your own leisure.  
I don’t have the money right now....
We certainly don’t want you to go into any debt. That is why we’ve created a super affordable payment plan option.  
I’ve tried other courses before, and they haven’t worked.....
I completely understand. On occasion you may buy something, that hasn’t been what you thought it would be. That is why I am taking all the risk by giving you a 100-day Money-Back Guarantee. You have nothing to lose.   
It’s just the last couple of job roles that have been the issue. I just need to change my career path and I’m sure I’ll feel fulfilled.....
How many times have you tried something new, or sat on the fence in a role and still not been fulfilled? “Think of job-hopping like aspirin. A little can be beneficial and healthy; too much can be really bad for you.” (NBC news). Continually ‘hedging bets’, or never committing to something completely is a destructive habit. We may convince ourselves in the short-term that we’re doing it in our own best interests, however it demonstrates a lack of clarity and vision. If you are clear about what you stand for, who you are BEING and where you are going in life, constant movement in job roles wouldn’t be required.  

Proven Strategies. Real Life Results

Discover how everyday people, just like you are experiencing their own life breakthroughs! 

"Feeling rather stuck for months, it was like I could finally see light appearing. The simplicity of what to do to achieve where I want to be is powerfully set out. It gave me hope that days of happiness, success, possibilities and light are right there in front of me and all I have to do is step forward and choose to take it. It’s a no brainer!  "
Jodi B, Garden Designer
"This experience was game changing. It has certainly led me to have a better understanding of my business partners and how we can all ensure that we allow accountability, integrity and honesty into our relationship and produce the best results for ourselves and each other. "
J. Seccull – Partner, PTP 
"Working with Stephanie over the last two years has been life changing. The insight into my own way of being has been invaluable, and I now have the skills to be able to help others within my business. The biggest gift however has been the ability for me to connect on a deeper level with my family.  "
J. Herbert – Health Practitioner 

What Is Self-Mastery, And Creating An Extraordinary Life Worth? 

When it comes to changing one’s results in life, one of the biggest mistakes that people make is thinking that they can do it themselves. They don’t consider how slow and ineffective this can be. 

How do I know?

I have been there… This program is a culmination of two decades of study, research, trial and error, at a cost of over $250,000. This doesn’t even include the costs to my health, relationships or other factors along the way. 

This is your opportunity to save yourself from years of heartache and financial burden, trying to do it all on your own. 

If fear hasn’t given you the results that you are looking for why not try something new? 

This is your tipping point, the opportunity to choose to Unleash Your Potential, and a life of joy, fulfilment and purpose! 

Allow us to be your guide on this journey and turn your dream into a reality today

With Unleash Your Potential,

You’ll Receive $12,785 Worth of Value!

Unleash Your Potential


Lifetime Access
  • 13 pre-recorded Training Modules ($6,997 Value)
  • 13 Live 90-minute Coaching Calls  ($3997 Value)
  • 13 Weekly Transformational Workbooks ($997 Value)
  • Bonus Mastering Time Program  ($397 Value)
  • Bonus Pathway To Purpose Program ($397 Value)
  • Positive Community and Accountability Program  (Priceless!)
  • Invitation to our Private Member FB Community  (Priceless!)
TOTAL VALUE = $12,785

However, that’s not what your investment will be. 

For A Limited Time, Save $547

I appreciate that you want a tangible return on your investment.

At The End Of The Program, Lead A Happier, More Inspired Life, Or Your Money Back!

Feel secure in the knowledge that your investment is backed by our

We want our clients to be delighted!  

We believe so strongly in the power of our programs that we are happy to back them 100% by taking on board all of the risk. Complete the work for the first four modules and if you’re still not happy with the results, then we’ll give you your money back!  

Frequently Asked Questions

When Does the Program Start?
Unleash Your Potential Doors open on Tuesday June 6th, 2023 at 12.01am. The last day to sign up for the program will be Thursday June 13th at 11.59pm.
What Happens After I Sign Up?  
You will receive a ‘Welcome Email’ outlining next steps, and how to log-in to your first module. Each week a new module will be released to you. We do this to ensure you have time to complete the exercises and activities given to you, and you can digest all the information.  
How Long Do I Have Access To The Program? 
While the initial component runs for 12 weeks, you have LIFETIME ACCESS to the program. When our time together is finished you can go back and review modules as often as you like.   
I’m pretty time poor, how much time will I need to devote to this? 
The time required will vary from week to week. Part of it will be determined by how far you want to take the workbook exercises and activities. 3 hours per week (including our 90-minute coaching call) would be best to allocate.    While it’s ideal that you are on each week’s call (in case you need to ask questions), they will all be recorded, so if you can’t attend you can watch later.    Also, you have LIFETIME ACCESS to the program, so even after our time together is finished you can go back and review modules as often as you like.   Finally, let’s say that anything is possible, and you could create the time to complete the work, how would you go about that?   
What if I Need Help in-between Coaching Calls?  
Great News! You will be part of our private member Facebook Community where you can post questions in-between calls. We will be checking the group daily to see everyone’s ‘wins’ and for any questions. If you need support specific to accessing the program, you can contact
Do you have any payment plans available? 
Yes. We want to ensure that our programs are affordable to as many people as possible. Unleash Your Potential starts from as little as $277 per month.
Other questions? 
No problem! Contact and allow at least 24-48 hours for a response.   

"What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Tiny Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Is What You Are Currently Doing,  

Worth Trading Your Life For?

The saying goes that you only live once. Another perspective is that we die once, we get to choose to live every day. Are you choosing to live life to its fullest or are you just surviving?

 If you truly seek change and want an Extraordinary Life, join us today!